Beiträge von Lawesome

    Japanische Vereine setzen keine hohen Barrieren, wenn ihre Spieler in Europa spielen wollen, aber der kostenlose Transfer ist verrückt ... ein Spieler dieser Stufe sollte mindestens 1,6 Millionen Euro kosten, wenn dies ein Transfer in Japan ist.

    Für mich ist er derjenige, der sowohl offensiv als auch defensiv die größten Anstrengungen unternimmt, um dem Team zum Sieg zu verhelfen. Wenn Sie wirklich glauben, dass er derjenige ist, der für die Auslosung verantwortlich ist, bezweifle ich wirklich, dass Ihr shambolisches Team seinen Dienst verdient.

    ( I'm not a native speaker of German and all the comments were translated apology. For the inconvenience)

    As his long-time supporter, I can tell you that he is more than enough for the first division.

    when he was with berlin, he developed into a more defensive player under defensive pressure. In Berlin, Ibisevic and Klaou assume the main responsibility for the goal. As Haraguchi sprints back and forth, he stays on the sidelines and throws the ball forward without scoring a goal in the box. His dribbling ability also helps to achieve a free kick opportunity that Plattenhardt always accepts. Despite "terrible statistics" he is still a starting member for the two strong seasons in Berlin and is convinced there. Haraguchi separated from Berlin because he wanted Brighton's interest in the English Premier League but was unsuccessful in the end.